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Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Review

Written by Tuck Staff

Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Review

The Bottom Line.

  • The Good Morning Snore Solution is a tongue-restraining device that gently pulls the tongue forward to reduce snoring.
  • Approved by the FDA as an anti-snoring solution.
  • Using gentle suction to remove the tongue from the airway, the Good Morning Snore Solution is more comfortable than most other TRDs.

Quick Summary

Quick Summary

Men tend to snore more so than women and it’s more common as we age, if you gain weight, and during pregnancy. If you’re a chronic snorer, no doubt your partner wishes you’d find a way to sleep quietly. Some snoring is so extreme that couples sleep in separate rooms which isn’t great for your relationship.

Putting an end to snoring and disrupted sleep can greatly improve your life but how do you stop? The most common way to correct snoring is with an over the counter anti-snoring mouthpiece. One common type pulls your tongue forward so it can’t block your airway.

Good Morning Snore Solution is a Tongue Restraining Device (TRD). These are also sometimes called Tongue Stabilizing Devices (TSD). An NIH study showed that most people find success using a TRD to stop their snoring. These devices have few side effects and work well for most snorers.

Our detailed review of the Good Morning Snore Solution includes all the details you need to make an informed decision about buying this anti-snoring mouthpiece. See how it’s made, how it works, customer experience, and our expert ranking of the device and its performance.

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General Overview

  • Usable by a wider range of people than can use a MAD
  • Works with dentures, implants, bridges, crowns, etc.
  • Those with TMJ and TJD can use the device where they can’t use a MAD
  • Very comfortable and won’t hurt the jaw
  • Very few side effects and these are mild and dissipate rapidly


  • The price is higher than other similar TRDs, but the lifespan makes up for it
  • Can’t wear when you’re congested because you must breathe through your nose
  • Chronic allergy sufferers may not be able to wear the device
  • Some initial tongue soreness until your mouth adjusts
  • Some feel the mouthpiece is too big, but it can be trimmed down

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Good Morning Snore Solution Recommendations

  • You find MADs uncomfortable or painful
  • If you have dentures/TMD/TMJ and can’t use a MAD
  • If you don’t have allergies and respiratory problems that require mouth breathing

Compare Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces

What is Good Morning Snore Solution and How Does it Work?

Disruptive snoring can rob you of precious sleep, lower your ability to function in your waking hours, and negatively affect your relationship with your partner. A cost-effective over the counter anti-snoring device can help. There are two types of devices on the market to consider:

  • Tongue Retaining Devices (TRD) pull the tongue slightly forward so it can’t block your airway. These devices require you to breathe through your nose while wearing them.
  • Mandibular Adjustment Devices (MAD) push the jaw forward to keep your tongue muscle from falling back into the airway. You can usually breathe through the mouth or nose while wearing one.

The Good Morning Snore Solution is a TRD that uses gentle suction to pull the tip of your tongue forward and hold it in place to keep the back of the tongue from obstructing your airway while you’re sleeping.

How Does Good Morning Snore Solution Compare to Other Mouthpieces?

As any consumer does with a product they’re considering, our anti-snoring mouthpiece assessments naturally involve comparing them with other similar products. Be it composition, adjustability, or price, we think it’s important to see how the Good Morning Snore Solution stacks up to other mouthpieces.

This mouthpiece comes in two sizes – the original (adult size) and the youth or smaller adult size – and they are ready to wear right out of the box. Similarly, there is no adjustment needed with the Good Morning Snore Solution.

Check out our selections below if you’d like to see a few comparable mouthpieces.

Similar Mouthpiece Options

How Good Morning Snore Solution is Different

Good Morning Snore is one of the costlier TRDs on the market, but also has one of the highest customer satisfaction rates, and can be well worth the investment. It’s also a more durable mouthpiece than many competing TRDs and can last up to two years even with nightly usage.

The mouthpiece fits comfortably for most buyers, but if it’s a little too large, it can be trimmed to fit with small scissors. The FDA cleared Good Morning Snore Solution as an anti-snoring solution, and the company’s customer support offers advice to help you find success with the device.

Mouthpiece Technical Details

What You Need to Know About the Good Morning Snore Solution

Construction and Features

Next, we’ll look at how the Good Morning Snore Solution is designed. The following table lists material composition, adjustability information, and other product details.

Product Name Mouthpiece Type Material Sizes Customization? Adjustability
Good Morning Snore Solution Tongue Retaining Device (TRD) BPA-free, BHA-free, soft dental plastic resin The Original for adults
GMSS Young for children/adolescents
None required None required


The Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece is available on the GMSS website, as well as Buyers do not need a prescription to order this product.

Other Product Specifics

  • How Do You Fit the GMSS?

    There is no “fitting” process for a TRD/TSD like Good Morning Snore Solution. It looks sort of like a pacifier only it goes fully inside the mouth rather than resting outside. There’s a bulb with a slot for your tongue. Here is how to use it.

    1. Put the device into your mouth with the rims between your teeth and lips.
    2. Squeeze the bulb tip that is outside your mouth to open it.
    3. Insert the tip of your tongue and suck the air out.
    4. Let go of the bulb, and it applies a gentle suction that pulls your tongue forward.
    5. Relax your mouth, and you’re ready to sleep.

    Once properly in place, the device keeps the air passage at the back of the throat clear. If you have dentures, you can wear the TRD with your dentures or with your dentures out of your mouth. There are no special steps for denture wearers.

    You won’t have to adjust or customize the device. There’s no boil and bite process. It is ready to use out of the box, and many buyers find relief on the first night’s sleep. Look at this video from Good Morning Snore Solution to see how to fit it in your mouth.

  • How to Care for Your Good Morning Snore Solution

    It’s quite easy to clean. Clean every 7-10 days with an effervescent dental tablet.

  • Denture Friendly?

    Good Morning Snore is very denture friendly. You can wear it with the dentures in or out, and it also works with bridges, implants, crowns, and partials.

  • Bruxism Concerns?

    The TRD device can help teeth grinders that also snore because it prevents your teeth from clamping down and slightly separates the upper and lower jaw.

  • Side Effects?

    There are few side effects from the Good Morning device. You might have tongue tenderness, some dry mouth, and drooling that dissipates as you adjust to the mouthpiece.

Good Morning Snore Solution Coupons and Discounts

Get 20% off your GMSS mouthpiece purchase.

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  • Sleep Trial 30 nights

  • Shipping Shipping and handling costs apply

  • Warranty None

  • Made In USA

  • Where Do They Ship?

    Good Morning Snore Solution ships their mouthpieces both domestically throughout the United States and Canada, as well as internationally.

  • Trial Period and Warranty Details

    There is no warranty but a 30-day money-back guarantee which is common with most anti-snoring mouthpieces. Their policy is reasonable. You request a return authorization by day 30 and then have another 15 days to get it back to them.

Company Information

  • Customer Service

    8 out of 10 owner experiences show customers have had a positive experience with GMSS, irrespective of whether or not they liked their mouthpiece.

  • BBB Rating

    Mpowrx Health & Wellness, the makers of the GMSS, has earned an ‘A+’ grade from the Better Business Bureau.

  • Company History

    MPowrx has been in business since 2008.

  • Contact GMSS

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